Friday, May 24, 2019

China has begun filming surveillance cameras, even though hidden objects are still visible

Chinese authorities have started deploying a new surveillance tool, the "Human Traffic Identification Software", which uses the body's profile. People and how they walk to identify them, even when their faces are banned from the camera.

Huong Yong-chan, CEO of Watrix, said his system can identify people up to 50 meters in length, even when they turn their backs. Or close the face. This can fill the gaps in Face Detection Technology that require close-up photography and a high-quality human face to work.

According to media reports, Watrix announced last month it had raised 100 million yuan (the US $ 14.5 million) To accelerate the development and sale of its behavioral recognition technology.

Chinese police are using facial recognition technology to identify people in the crowd and arrest illegal offenders and are creating The national surveillance camera data system.

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